Does this make me a blogger?

Welcome everyone to Cents of Survival a blog by Anton Bossio. Man, this is kinda crazy. I would have never guessed that this would be a platform I would be involved in! I started this site for a few reasons. First, my wife, Tasha, has often encouraged me to do so. Second, I have a been on a path of finding out what my dream in life is and I have found what that is. This blog will be used as an avenue to convey my dream and build it from here.

So what, pray tell, is that dream? Well, I have a passion for personal finance with an emphasis on helping people get out of debt. My dream is to take that passion and make it a ministry of mine to help people escape the shackles and chains of their own debt. To create a legacy in their family and to pass down legacies of giving, rather than legacies of owing.

Debt is incredibly debilitating. It prevents people from doing what they love. It limits dreams, it is the original dream crusher. How can you concentrate on doing what you love when you have student loans, credit cards, mortgages, and pay day lenders keeping you down? Let me tell you from experience, it makes it darn near impossible. It made it so impossible for me, in fact, that we are 4 years down the road on our ‘get out of debt’ journey and I am just now able to start thinking about not just going to a 40 hour a week job to pay the bills, but pursuing a dream. I don’t want ANYONE else to have to do that.

I hope to reach those in any age group, but I have a special place in my heart for families just like mine. We are just about 10 years removed from college and still feeling the stranglehold of that experience. We have a beautiful little girl. We both hold full time jobs. Jobs that for the most part are ones that we are in, not because we love what we do, but because they pay the bills. What a terrible cycle. I work to pay the bills. Where is the joy in that? I find none.

Come along with us as we walk through a life, centered around our love and dependence on the Lord, and drastically trying to climb our mountain of debt. You will walk with us through struggles and joys, triumphs and learn about some of the tragedies we have lived through. I am excited to share life with you!

16 thoughts on “Does this make me a blogger?

  1. Proud of you! I like your bold faith, stepping out to do what God has placed in your heart. This is going to be awesome! (And I’m your first comment)

  2. Proud of you! You are a man of FAITH – stepping out to do what God has placed in your heart. This is going to be great (and I’m your first comment)!!

  3. Well said my friend! From someone who has climbed the mountain, keep going and don’t quit! Or as the great philosophers of the 1980’s (REO Speedwagon) would say, “Keep Pushin’ On!”

  4. Anton,

    So proud of you for pursuing something you are so passionate about. I would caution you to tread lightly in your words…There can be a fine line between helping people get motivated and causing more feelings of shame and failure. Obviously you know this is my world and I have opinions on these things but I think helping people take things one step at a time and to celebrate the small victories is super important. My two cents (ha! Get it..”cents”)…

    1. Thank you Mary! I agree with you about carefully choosing my words! I have been facilitating Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” for a few years now and know how words can be biting in this situation. I have even battled those feelings myself while listening to other’s testimonies from their journey. Though the words they used were never meant to discourage, it is easy for those still in the fight to take offense that what they are doing isn’t good enough. I hope to not convey that tone…as I am very much still in the fight! Thank you for your wise ‘cents’!

  5. How exciting! Love what you wrote here, in “Meet Anton,” and in “What I’m Reading.” So proud that you, your brother, and both your wives are so intentional financially & with your families!

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